Gui and Anna: A Maverick Love Story


Gui, Anna, and Wes under the portico of Old Main.

We often watch movies to find ideal love stories. From Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams dancing in the street in the The Notebook to Renee Zellweger’s “you had me at hello” in response to Tom Cruise’s “you complete me” in Jerry Maguire, actors have been able to capture what we all dream love and romance has the potential to be. But most of us think this sort of thing happens only in Hollywood.

At Miller School, we have watched a real-life love story develop over the past decade right here on the Hill. Gui Guimaraes (’14) and Anna Breeding (’14) met their junior year in English class and dated through high school. In 2019, Gui proposed to Anna at Miiller School below the classroom in Old Main where they first met. A year later, they were married under the giant oak tree looking over the lotus pond on campus.

Today, Gui and Anna Guimaraes shared one of their favorite places on earth with their favorite new person on earth—their eight-week old son, Wes. Wearing his “Future MSA Alumni” onesie, Wes got to see where his parents met, fell in love, got engaged, and shared their wedding vows.

It was a special moment for everyone at MSA who had the pleasure of knowing Gui and Anna as students over a decade ago. Moments like these are one of the many joys of living and learning at MSA. We look forward to Wes joining the Class of 2043 and making some memories of his own.

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