Value Stock


Gina Mancuso works with students on analysis stock during classs.

What would you do if you were given $100,000? Would you spend it all at once? Would you put it in the bank? Would you buy a fancy car? 

The Miller School economics students, guided by their faculty sponsor, Gina Mancuso, entered The Stock Market Game(SMG), a program of the SIFMA Foundation. Ms. Mancuso formed teams of 2-3 students, each team receiving a virtual $100,000 to invest in the stock market. Over a 6-week period, students navigated real-time global market interactions, honing their skills in building and managing a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. This hands-on experience was complemented by classroom lessons in economics, personal finance, and business, providing a comprehensive understanding of the financial world. 

Proving their financial acumen and strategic prowess, four students from the Miller School of Albemarle have achieved remarkable success in this year’s Stock Market Game organized by the James Madison University Center for Economic Education. The fall session saw the Miller School students dominate the region, with Rafa Tapias Fernandez ‘26 and Coen Clinedinst ‘24 clinching the top spot, followed by Sesinos Mahray, 25’ and Ryan Crotty, ‘25 in second, and, Matt Bobsin, ‘25  and Glenn Parsons, ‘24, in third. Sam Malnight, 24’ and Max D'Anello ‘25 secured an impressive 3rd place out of 273 teams in the spring 2024 competition. 

These victories not only highlight the talents of these young investors but also underscore the importance of the hands-on learning opportunities that valued at Miller School. This competition provided an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Under the guidance of their teacher, they delved into the intricacies of market dynamics, analyzed economic indicators, and made informed investment decisions. What sets the Miller students apart is not just their theoretical understanding but their ability to translate that knowledge into tangible results. Through research, careful risk assessment, and strategic asset allocation, they navigated the complexities of the stock market with confidence.

Peter Hufnagel