Championing Mental Health


Torie Knighton with Landon Carter—founders of school’s chapter of Morgan’s Message

Written by Aimee Carter, Director of Development

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about mental health. It is fitting to shine a light on those who advocate for the well-being of others. At the Miller School, one such individual stands out: Torie Knighton, whose dedication to nurturing students' mental health has left a mark on the school community. Ms. Knighton’s time with the Miller School will come to a close this school year; however, her impact will be felt for years to come. 

Torie Knighton isn’t just a counselor at Miller School; she’s a beacon of support, empathy, and understanding for students navigating the complexities of teenage life. In her time at Miller, as the school’s first-ever school counselor, she has built a program that has become an integral part of students’ lives, offering guidance to faculty, advisors, administration, and students through the triumphs and challenges of high school. 

Ms. Knigton’s impact extends beyond the walls of her office. Recognizing the unique pressures faced by student-athletes, she worked with Miller freshman, Landon Carter, to co-create the Miller School chapter of the non-profit organization Morgan's Message, which strives to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the student-athlete community and equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics. 

The creation of Morgan’s Message at Miller is just one example of Ms. Kighton’s commitment to fostering a culture wellness. In addition to supporting individual students, she also hosts monthly workshops for students called SEL (an acronym for Social Emotional Learning) where students engage in conversations about healthy relationships, responsible decision-making, and how to be of service to our community.  She has also created a robust advisory resource for staff, helps host campus-wide discussions, and has empowered students to recognize the importance of self-care, resilience, and seeking help when needed.

Ms. Knighton’s approach to counseling is rooted in care, empathy, and an understanding of each student’s individual journey. Whether she’s offering words of encouragement before a big game or providing a listening ear during moments of vulnerability, her presence has a transformative effect on the lives of those she touches.

In a world where mental health can be overlooked, Ms. Knighton reminds us of the importance of prioritizing emotional well-being and creating a culture of compassion and understanding.